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Designated Managers

Scope of this chapter

We have a Scheme of Delegated Decision Making that sets out who can authorise decisions within Walsall Children's Services.

NOTE: Consent to life-ending withdrawal of medical support for a child will require an application to the High Court even if all relevant parties are in agreement. Legal advice must be sought as a matter of urgency.


This section outlines the circumstances where managers have delegated authority to approve certain decisions.

These arrangements do not replace the line management communication or authorisation structure; in all cases, it is assumed that managers and line managers will be consulted or notified as appropriate.

Designated Managers are those managers who should additionally be consulted or notified.

The manager who approves Adoption Panel recommendations in relation to children, prospective adopters and matching.

Designated Manager(s):
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Safeguarding

The manager who may approve an interim exemption.

Designated Manager(s):
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Safeguarding

The manager who may approve the recommendations of the Fostering Panel to exceed the usual limit.

Designated Manager(s):
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Safeguarding

The only person able to give approval for children to be placed at a distance, not in an adjoining authority, is the Director of Children's Services.

The person who all enquiries for access to birth records should be referred to.

Designated Manager(s):
Team Manager, MASH and/or Customer Services Officer, Family Placement Service

The manager who must endorse and sign Care Plans in relation to Accommodated Children.

Designated Manager(s)
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding

See Decision to Look After Procedure and Care Plan Guidance.

The manager who may authorise a Care Plan in relation to Care Proceedings.

Designated Manager(s)
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding

See Change of Name of a Looked After Child Procedure.

The manager who may authorise the taking of Court Proceedings where parental agreement is not forthcoming.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding

The persons who should be informed of representation or complaints issues relation to a Child / Young Person and their carers.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service and Group Manager for the Service which a representation or complaints issue has been raised. Any complaints received must also be sent to the:

Customer Services Manager
Customer Care Team
Room 32
Council House
Lichfield Street

Telephone: 01922 650 489
Telephone: 07956 992 701
Text-phone: 0845 111 2910
Free-phone: 0800 085 6018
SMS: Text Walsall SCC to 60003
Fax: 01922 614 210
Website: Walsall Council

See Family Contact Policy and Procedures.

The manager who may approve Risk Assessments in relation to Contact of Looked After Children with Parents.

Designated Manager(s)
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services

The manager who may authorise the recommendation of a Strategy Discussion that no further action is taken against a Foster Carer.

Designated Manager(s)
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Group Manager, Provider Services

See Recruitment, Assessment and Approval of Foster Carers Procedure.

The manager who may approve the recommendations of the Fostering Panel (The Agency Decision Maker).

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Safeguarding Children's Services

The manager who may authorise test for Looked After Children.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Safeguarding Children's Services

The person who may give agreement for general anaesthetic for a Looked After Child.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director
Head of Safeguarding
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service Help and Protect

This will generally be in person unless it is impractical to do so due to distance.

Local anaesthetic and consent for other minor procedures should be considered as part of the Delegated authority documentation.

The manager who may authorise passports.

Designated Manager(s)
Written consent from Assistant Director for Children's Services.

The manager who should approve Pathway Plans.

Designated Manager(s)
Team Manager

The manager who can approve the recommendations of the Adoption Panel in relation to Permanence Plans.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Safeguarding Children's Services

The manager who can approve the recommendations of the Fostering Panel in relation to Permanence Plans.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services

See Placements Outside England and Wales Procedure.

The manager who may authorise the placement, including emigration, of a child outside England and Wales.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services

See Placement Planning Meetings Procedure.

The manager who can authorise out of authority placements of children (except Secure Accommodation).

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding Children's Services

See Placements in Secure Accommodation on Welfare Grounds ProcedureSecure Accommodation Reviews Guidance and Secure Accommodation (Criteria Reviews).

Authorising the placement of a child in secure accommodation, including placements up to 72 hours without a Court Order; Consulted where a Secure Accommodation Criteria Review Panel has recommended that the criteria for placement in Secure Accommodation no longer apply.

Designated Manager(s)
Authorisation Director of Children's Services. Supported by Head of Service.

See Placement with Parents Procedure.

The manager who may authorise such placements.

Designated Manager(s)
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding

See Placement with Parents Procedure.

The manager who may authorise such placements.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding

See Placements with Connected Persons Procedure.

The manager who may authorise such placements.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding Children's Services

The manager who can approve weekly living allowances in relation to children placed with relatives or friends under a Child Arrangements Order.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding Children's Services

See Annual Reviews and Termination of Approvals Procedure.

The officer responsible for completing Part C of the annual review, distributes the annual review consultation forms and chairs the review.

The officer responsible for distributing completed annual reviews to the Panel and prepares post Panel letters to foster carers.

Designated Manager(s)
Independent Reviewing Officer - Foster Carer Reviews.
The manager who authorises the recommendations of the Panel and notifies foster carers of the outcome of the review.
The manager who authorises annual reviews that do not need go to the Panel and notifies foster carers of the outcome of the review.

Designated Manager(s)
Group Manager Family Placements.
The manager who verifies annual reviews that do not need to go to the Panel.

Designated Manager(s)
Review and Skill Level Board, chaired by Group Manager Family Placements.

See Delegated Authority Guidance.

The manager who may authorise such trips for Looked After Children.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding Children's Services

See Secure Accommodation (Criteria Reviews).

Authorising the placement of a child in secure accommodation, including placements up to 72 hours without a Court Order; Consulted where a Secure Accommodation Criteria Review Panel has recommended that the criteria for placement in Secure Accommodation no longer apply.

Designated Manager(s)
Authorisation Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding

The manager who can authorise Special Guardianship as the permanence plan for a Looked After child.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding Children's Services

Information to follow.

Suspension or termination of contact between a Looked After child and Parents.

Designated Manager(s)
Group Managers

The manager who should be notified about abduction or attempted abduction.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding

The manager who should be notified of the attempted suicide of a child receiving services.

Designated Manager(s)
Head of Service Safeguarding (on Behalf of Walsall Safeguarding Children Partnership Serious Case Review Panel)
Assistant Director Children's Services

See Death of or Serious Injury in relation to a Child in Need (including a Looked After Child or Care Leaver Up to and Including the Age of 24) Procedure.

If a child is looked after the Secretary of State, Regulatory Authority, Department of Education & Skills and Health Authority Cabinet Member should be notified.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Safeguarding

See Protocol for Children and Young People Missing from Home and Care.

The manager who must be notified when a child is missing for 24hrs.

Designated Manager(s)
Group Manager, who should notify/consult the Assistant Director and the Head of Safeguarding. Group Manager will ensure a 'Need to Know' briefing is completed.

The Group Manager will also inform the other Local Authorities and agencies where needed.

See Ofsted – Notifiable Incidents – (Children) Procedure.

The manager who must be notified in the event of a serious incident.

Designated Manager(s)
The Head of Safeguarding is the Designated manager and must be notified in the event of a Notifiable Incident.

The manager who must be notified Where an Incident results in the police being called to provide assistance in a Foster Home.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding

It is also necessary to inform the Regulatory Authority.

The manager who must be notified of Involvement or suspected involvement of a Looked After Child in sexual exploitation.

Designated Manager(s)
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding
Principal Exploitation Officer (on behalf of CSE Operations Group)

Also, if child is placed in Children's or Foster Home, the Regulatory Authority and Police must be informed.

The people / agencies who must be notified of Referral to the Secretary of State under Section 2 (1) (a) of the Protection of Children Act 1999 (a) of an individual working at in a Children's Home or a Foster Carer.

Designated Manager(s)
The Local Authority Designated Officer
Head of Service
Assistant Director, Children's Services

Also, if child is placed in Children's or Foster Home, the Regulatory Authority and Police must be informed.

The manager who must be notified where a Child Protection allegation is made in relation to a member of staff or a child in receipt of service.

Designated Manager(s)
Group Managers

Also, if the child is placed in a Children's or Foster Home, the Regulatory Authority must be notified.

The manager who must be notified or a serious illness or serious accident sustained by a Looked After Child.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding

Also if the child is Looked After, the Regulatory Authority must be notified. The Health Authority must be notified if there is an outbreak of an infectious or notifiable disease.

The manager who must be notified of allegations of a serious offence committed by a Looked After Child.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding
Group Managers

The manager who must be notified where an incident results in serious damage being caused to a Children's Home or Foster Home.

Designated Manager(s)
Assistant Director, Children's Services
Head of Service, Children in Care, Provider and Care Leaving Services
Head of Service, Help and Protect
Head of Safeguarding
Group Managers

If the Police are called for assistance, the Regulatory Authority must also be notified

Last Updated: June 25, 2024
